Alto Seveso
Como, Italy
2016 -ongoing
Landscape Architecture: Carlo Ezechieli
Studio Majone (Hydraulic Engineering)
Iridra (Sustainable Drainage Systems)
Stid (Geology and Hydrogeology)
Patrizia Buzzi (Archeology)
Photo: © CE-A studio
Como, Italy
2016 -ongoing
Landscape Architecture: Carlo Ezechieli
Studio Majone (Hydraulic Engineering)
Iridra (Sustainable Drainage Systems)
Stid (Geology and Hydrogeology)
Patrizia Buzzi (Archeology)
Photo: © CE-A studio
A consortium of private and public stakeholders in the
vicinities of Como, Northern Italy, asked for a set of interventions aimed to
control the frequent floods of the Seveso river. The project is a green
engineering infrastructure mainly based on the making of three overflow basins,
each designed both providing flood prevention as well as meaningful
architectural spaces, aimed to enhance the qualities of the site. These three
“pivots” are interconnected through a broad and complex network of green
pathways, planting and secondary landscape interventions, thusforming a proper,
comprehensive green infrastructure.