Wrapped Around Pavilion

Renderings: Valerio Croci

Wrapped Around Pavilion
Morbegno, Italia

Progetto: Carlo Ezechieli

Assistants: Andrei Vassallo
 Renderings: Valerio Croci

This project doesn’t want to solve the problem of global warming, nor to declare itself "sustainable", nor to save the planet. The goal is simply to celebrate the joy of children, making them feel an integral part of the environment around them.
While a pavilion is usually identified as a space with trees around it, in this case are trees with a pavilion around them. In the shape of this small space, where the design of the greenery and that of the pavilion are one, concavity prevails over convexity, literally enveloping those who frequent it.
Entering through narrow corridors, instead of a flat floor, you find yourself immersed in a topography that allows children to play and use the space freely according to their desires.
The pavilion is high enough to be hidden in the vegetation. Only the roof is slightly visible, creating an environment inside that appears like an enchanted world.

Renderings: Valerio Croci

Renderings: Valerio Croci

CE-A studio architecture

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D-ORBIT Headquarters

D-ORBIT Headquarters

Fino Mornasco, Italy


Architectural design: Carlo Ezechieli

Mechanical Systems Design: Antonio Somaini
Electrical Systems Design: Daniele Fornè (ForgadSrl)

Photos: © Gabriella Gargioni

As outer space becomes an increasingly relevant entrepreneurial area, D-Orbit - an Italian firm working in the aerospace industry, which targets the ever more worrisome issue of space debris - became an international pioneer in the field of geostationary satellites decommissioning. The increasing size of the firm asked for larger working spaces and landed to the identification of a former 3’000sqm warehouse as a new headquarter. Being the production chain of D-Orbit based on three fundamental steps: design, prototyping and making, the design developed according to this sequence. A simple and open space spreads around the clean room, the space where production happens, and where D-Orbit devices are jealously guarded. The white room is something that contains a device thought for an ‘extra-terrestrial’ use. That belongs to another environment, devoid of weight, withextreme light and temperatures, where not even time flows as the same pace as down on earth. The clean room - the pivot of the architectural composition –therefore contains something ‘otherworldly’ and becomes the Sancta sanctorum, the temple, where those entering have to undergo a sort of “clothing ritual”. The new D-Orbit headquarters are a sort of introverted landscape is made of large lofty spaces where, just like in an outdoor space, vertical elements, such as lighting devices and furniture make itsoverall spatial quality.

CE-A studio + Carlo Ezechieli - 2019 all rights reserved