Wrapped Around Pavilion

Renderings: Valerio Croci

Wrapped Around Pavilion
Morbegno, Italia

Progetto: Carlo Ezechieli

Assistants: Andrei Vassallo
 Renderings: Valerio Croci

This project doesn’t want to solve the problem of global warming, nor to declare itself "sustainable", nor to save the planet. The goal is simply to celebrate the joy of children, making them feel an integral part of the environment around them.
While a pavilion is usually identified as a space with trees around it, in this case are trees with a pavilion around them. In the shape of this small space, where the design of the greenery and that of the pavilion are one, concavity prevails over convexity, literally enveloping those who frequent it.
Entering through narrow corridors, instead of a flat floor, you find yourself immersed in a topography that allows children to play and use the space freely according to their desires.
The pavilion is high enough to be hidden in the vegetation. Only the roof is slightly visible, creating an environment inside that appears like an enchanted world.

Renderings: Valerio Croci

Renderings: Valerio Croci

CE-A studio architecture

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QD South Key Area Masterplan

Qingdao, Lingshan Bay
South Key Ares Masterplan

Qingdao, Shandong (China)

Architectural Design/Project Leader: Carlo Ezechieli

Carlo Ezechieli; Marco Bozzola

Local Partners:
Gala A&E Shanghai Co. Ltd

Systematica (transportation)
AGEP (planting)

Renderings: Andrea Dameno

This masterplan for a site as large as one square Kilometer and for a population of 25’000 people, was developed within larger development on a former industrial area.  This new town is designed as a big island, where a set of concentric loops keeps traffic on the its perimeter while providing full connectivity inside. A system of neighborhoods, each one featuring its own gravitational center and where all buidings are developed around a network of interconnected gardens which altogether makes this key area a giant green lung.  

In QD Lingshan Bay Key Area people have immediately attainable outdoor spaces, including a 2.5Kms long fully pedestrian route through courtyards, potentially suitable for several sports activities making the principal park system immediately at reach.

Within all neighborhoods, and particularly in residential areas, landscape works as a primary green lung, as a social gathering point, as a food provider, as a connection and -  through sustainable drainage, ground temperature control, and air filtering - as an ecosystem service provider. Different apartments typologies (including rooftop villas) enhance the social mix.

Each residential building is intended to be made by relatively small “neutral” units that can be aggregated, allowing an array of different apartment sizes and typological layouts. Everything needed is totally at hands reach since facilities and services, such as guest rooms, laundries, playrooms, dining rooms, maintenance tools rooms, following shared economy principles can be shared resources on through internet platforms.  Multipurpose plinths, host an array of different functions including greenhouses for farm-to-table vegetable production as well as possible hyper-intensive hydroponic vegetable production units.

CE-A studio + Carlo Ezechieli - 2019 all rights reserved