Wrapped Around Pavilion

Renderings: Valerio Croci

Wrapped Around Pavilion
Morbegno, Italia

Progetto: Carlo Ezechieli

Assistants: Andrei Vassallo
 Renderings: Valerio Croci

This project doesn’t want to solve the problem of global warming, nor to declare itself "sustainable", nor to save the planet. The goal is simply to celebrate the joy of children, making them feel an integral part of the environment around them.
While a pavilion is usually identified as a space with trees around it, in this case are trees with a pavilion around them. In the shape of this small space, where the design of the greenery and that of the pavilion are one, concavity prevails over convexity, literally enveloping those who frequent it.
Entering through narrow corridors, instead of a flat floor, you find yourself immersed in a topography that allows children to play and use the space freely according to their desires.
The pavilion is high enough to be hidden in the vegetation. Only the roof is slightly visible, creating an environment inside that appears like an enchanted world.

Renderings: Valerio Croci

Renderings: Valerio Croci

CE-A studio architecture

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Street / Plaza

International competition 2nd prize

Street / Plaza
 Genova ,Italy


Architectural project: Carlo Ezechieli; Marco Bozzola; Simone Corno; Paolo Pirovano; Riccardo Riva.

Mobility Studies: Systematica Srl

Hydraulic Engineering: MMI Srl

Road Engineering: Ferdinando Zolesi

Systems Engineering: Luigi Pagliai

Consultants: Renzo Rosso(Hydraulic Engineering); The Natural Step Italia (Ecosystemic Design)

The project starts from the will of transforming Via Cornigliano into a new “Longitudinal Center” for the neighborhood, leaving an adequate space to strengthen its already rich commercial structure, while maintaining the requested public transportation systems. Via Cornigliano will become a new “mall” that will not only connect the two sides of the neighborhood facing on it –and currently almost severed by the heavy traffic flow - but also will include the 18th century Villa Bombrini, recently reclaimed as a main reference for the community.

CE-A studio + Carlo Ezechieli - 2019 all rights reserved